Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mary Jo Larson

I think that most important thing that I will take from Dr. Larson speaking is that she didnt know exactly what she was going to do for the rest of her life but she has still able to go out and do the things that she wanted to. At times I feel that there is to much pressure from society to go to college then go to grad school then straight into a career. Society has made is so that we think that everything has to be distinct way. But after listening to the accomplishments that Dr. Larson has achieved without have a set path is very inspiring.

I enjoyed writing down on paper who inspired me or who was a role model. I have always known who has inspired me. But it was a different way to think about things. We had to put our role model up next to our actually expectations of leadership. I also think that there was a good question raised in class. Asking whether it was important to have a role model or can we be shaped solely by our experiences. During the discussion and the presentation I looked at role models in a different way. Dr. Larson's presentation was very beneficial for me. I hope that I can have such a great experience with all the rest of the speakers.

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