Thursday, September 20, 2007

Blog 2

It is very interesting thinking about the point that kelly brought up about the reading and saying that boys didnt see the advantages of being a woman. I think that society has created men to be pessimistic about females. I was driving with my with a male one day and the car in front of us was not paying any attention and when the light turned green did proceed with the rest of traffic. We were behind this car and the first thing that he said was it must be a woman behind the wheel. We are being attacked down to the simplest level.

It is hard to believe that women have fought so hard for the rights that we have but will likely see no benefits from it. Being a mother, or cooking dinner is the traditional view. What will it take to change? I think about the television experiment where they were able to have two groups live in the other places. They did this by changing the colors of those families skin. Each family had to walk in the shoes of their opposites and realize the challenges that they face. I wish sometimes that men were able to do the same thing. That we could switch spots and for them to realize what is like to be the other sex.

It is hard to figure out whether we will be truly equal. We will just have to continue to make the stand and create the image of ourselves that we want projected on the world.

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