Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Guest Speaker

Dr. Mary Jo Larson was a great guest speaker. It was very encouraging to hear about all the things that she has accomplished so far in her lifetime. As a woman I think that hearing another women's success has motivated me to achieve that goal or higher. Dr. Larson has worked with many people and has a great amount of experience in many areas. During the class I particularly liked the exercise that we did with the sheet of paper. I never really thought about values and qualities that my role models have. I always just knew they were my role model and I wanted to be like that person or better. Now that I think about it, it is the values and qualities that my role models have that makes me admire them the most. Something that really stuck out to me that Dr. Larson said was, "Don't ever put someone on a pedal stool, they'll fall off". It just reminds me of the frustration that I had on Mason's Track team. There was so much favoritism showed toward an individual and I always said that if the coach keeps putting her on a pedal stool one day she is going to fail at something and she's not going to know how to deal with it.

Dr. Larson gave a lot of insight on things that we as women can do and how we all can become successful.

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