Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blog #2

In response to Kelly's blog I would agree that there isn't any equality when it comes down to men vs women in the working world. Women have the same responsibilities as men so why is it fair that men men get paid $30,000 more with the same job description and duties? Women have bills to pay and children to take care of just like men. It is very sad but true that some work places do not see them equally.
The results conducted amongst the students were not at all suprising to me. The percentage of females that said they saw advantages in being a male are right. The results from the males are just the opposite of the females, the males see the disadvatages to being a female and who would want the short end of the stick? The percentage does not shock me because I see it as if the survey was about race it would be the same. Many people of color would probably say that they wouldn't mind being caucasian because of the advantages and many caucasians may say that they wouldn't want to be a person of color because of the disadvantages. To me there is no difference in the two. I personally would have not choosen to be a male, although there would be advantages. I believe that the things that i grow through as a female is only making me stronger.
I do not think that in our lifetime we will see equality in gender or race. I hope oneday that there will be equal opportunities for everyone. Until that day comes we can't dwell on the things that we do not have, but we can make the best of things that we do have and take every opprotunity towards success that we can.

1 comment:

Anna said...

i would like to comment on the authenticity challenge. it is true that when women rock their leadership position they are seen more as "mothers" not leaders. Two examples. first is when my committee was the most successful in the Senate and yet fellow male senator refered me as "the cheerleader for student government". My second example, when just last week Our speaker pro tempor is a female and during her well contructed meeting a male member mentioned how she would make an excellent mother. So even when women are rocking their leaderhip position we are still not seen as leaders and i do believe the number one way to change that is through advertising that women leading is a social norm. like the book mentioned in culture one of the ways to go about that is through women holding leadership roles not leading roles. Also having a variety of ages of women leading these roles and help society get over their youth obsesssion.