Thursday, September 27, 2007

Blog Four: Womens Art Museum Reflection

To be completely honest about this mornings field trip, I didn't walk away feeling impowered or even prideful to be a woman, something I thought I would experience after this trip. Instead, I felt more exposed since the majority of the artwork represented vagina's and other sexual ideas. Don't get me wrong though, I did understand the thought behind the work, I just personally felt that the "feminist artists" really invaded my personal boundaries. I found it to be a little difficult to see some of the work later in the tour because I wasn't that comfortable looking at another womans, and men for that matter, naked body. I do believe that nudity can be art, but some of the images I saw I thought was more pornographic than art.

I'm not sure how to exactly interpret how I feel so I don't sound like I hated everything that I saw or even the ideas behind the art, but in general what I saw was hard to take in. In my opinion the art was weird to me. There were certain video's I saw that made no sense and even the abstract art pieces I felt didn't represent anything. That hanging red rug? I didn't get any of those images. I think that if I had a better understanding of the time and the feminist revolution, this trip would have been more of an enlightening experience for me.


Sarah R said...

I'm really sorry you didn't get as good of an experience as you had thought. It makes me a little worried about how I'm going to feel when I go to the museum this weekend.

Anna said...

What I enjoyed about the museum is it confirmed some of my feelings that i had about stereo types of norms. When you saw these pictures painted of men painted by women it gave me a feeling that was a little uncomfortable. That is becuase when we see naked men it isnt as common becuase women art is not advertised as often as men art. Yet when I saw naked women just a graphic it was not uncomfortable becuase we are use to seeing naked women displayed that way in the middle of citys even. This feeling between easy and uneasy is the same feeling I get when people make sexist comments of women as if it were natural. What worries me when women let such degrading comments slide by shows me that they see nothing wrong with such a demoralizing comment and find it natural- well today our social norms are not natural norms, but oppresive norms