Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Guest Speakers

I really enjoyed the guest speakers. I thought the first lady was very inspiring and very funny. I enjoyed listening to her talk about how she got where she is and about her experiences. I was surprised that she was able to meet with all those women and I thought it was great that she engaged us in her speech. I enjoyed the next two women who talked together. Even though they have different political views, they still seem to work great together. They both had amazing stories to tell and I was very grateful that they were able to come to speak to us.


Anna said...

I really enjoyed the first speaker as well. What i liked about her is she talked about perceptions of our society today. It was nice to hear a different perspective with someone who has dedicated a potion of their life to understanding the issue behind women and leadership in our soceity. i aslo enjoyed how she researched presidents from across the world and shared those comparisions that she had found. It was great that this women is doing so much for women today through her initiatives I found it motivating to try some simplier initiatives myself.

Professor Suzanne Scott Constantine said...

Her name is laura lisswood. I think she was terrific, too.

Brittany K said...

The thing that I find the most interesting about the speaker is the range of things that they have been able to accomlish. Many of them working with minority groups, and groups of people that I could never imagine being able to relate to. I think that this is where are readings and our dicussions come in. Knowing who you are and what you stand for plays a big part in being able to relate to others. Laura and Jeri are women that are leading the way for other women to stand up and fight for what women need. I only hope that I can inspire others in this way some day.