Wednesday, October 24, 2007

This Weeks Reading!!!!

I just want to comment on what Kelly mentioned about knowing yourself first. In my other leadership class we discussed this as a class and we all pretty much agreed that this is really important for anyone. I believe that you should know what is going on within yourself before you try to correct others. Yes we all have our problems but I think that we should try to solve our own problems before we try to solve other peoples problems. Many people are able to keep their problems to themselves but sometimes eventually your problems can interfere with other things. Personal problems can make you lose focus and hender yourself from doing what it is you might want to do. Not all people are like this but I do think that any leader should know about themselves and their problems before they help others.

Also I would just like to say that I really enjoyed all of our guest speakers. They were so posititve and it shows how everyday people can slowly change something in the world. All of the guest speakers were down to earth and had a lot to share with the class. I couldnt believe how many powerful people that our first guest speaker had met with. Everyone was a true inspiration.

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