Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Komives Part III

Komives Part III includes many ideas to help groups develop different leadership skills to help bring different talents within the group. In my other leadership class we discuss group development and I realized that Komives uses the same terms, the four rhyming words forming, storming, norming, performing. With all these qualities in a group it helps brings talent, patience, collaboration, and success. Personally I think that most groups do need all these qualities. I think it brings diversity and strengths. Someone might be strong in communicating and someone else may be strong in writing. With those two strengths your group could easily give a great presentation and write a great essay.
Also in part III I liked the traditional and inverted organizational structures. It is basically a pyramid of how the power is distributed within that certain organization. The models are very interesting because although the manager or president has the most power a lot of the times they don't have the same knowledge as the people under them. I think this is because often the lower people have more to do and complete the task for the higher person and the higher person usually just review it and pass it on to someone even higher. It just seems to me that sometimes they are not as knowledgeable because they do have so much work and they can't do it all themselves.

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