Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Komives III

The reading for this week was overwhelming. But I think just made a few points about groups a little bit more clear. I really did not know the difference between the groups working groups vs teams and so on. I feel like the book is re telling us some facts that we already know. It is intereesting to see how it is presented though. Many times leadership is vague and people just want to be put into a leadership position or not. Reading through the step of how the group is formed and the dynamics that make it work make me look back at the groups that did not work out so well.

I have to also think about the types of groups that I have been. This will be the first class that I have taken that I am working in a group that is entirely female. I traditionally to be honest do not go towards all women in a group because it sometimes causes issues. But as i read the text today I realized that it is not that I am in a group with all females that make it tense. It is the enviroment that is created that makes the group. I think that sometimes women forget that it is ok to take each others sides. We neglect to remember that other women can be the best connections. We need to learn to stick together and then we will be able to get more accomplished. This seems to be the trend of why as women we are not able to always get our point accross. Many men will band together for a cause just for the fact that they can.

Group dynamics are an interesting topic and I hope to get down to the core of the issues and find how women can be in mnore productive groups and stop being afraid to turn to one another to ask for help.

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