Monday, November 5, 2007

Blog Eight: Komives part II

While I was reading, the strengths and weaknesses section stuck out to me the most. In the book it says, "The irony is that some of your strengths, if overemphasized, become your weaknesses, and things you consider weaknesses may actually be seen as strengths by others" (Komives, pp122). I couldn't agree more with that statement since I sometimes focus all my energy on what I could improve on, my weaknesses, and so I forget to act on my strengths. I think that strengths and weaknesses are a funny concept since what I could see as my weakness could be someone elses strength, a balance. Continuing my reading, I found that you exercise your leadership skills when you self-aware and can identify what your strengths and weaknesses are but using them both when working, especially with others, towards a common goal.
I have learned that when managing my own weaknesses, it is important to manage them so that I don't continue to hold myself back from what I could achieve with my strengths. I found that to be one of the biggest lessons that I've learned from this section. Too many times have I kept quiet during a group meeting when I knew I had good ideas or picked a job for a group project that wasn't one of my strengths because I was too afraid to speak up. I also learned that by recognizing my strengths I could then use that to manage my weaknesses, like learning to overcome my shyness by picking the presenter job or creating the posters, etc.
I was able to take away a lot from this weeks readings and I look forward to our speakers on Thursday also! :0)

1 comment:

Anna said...

I couldnt agree more as well with the strengths and weakness areas. I feel it is all how you look at it and that is wat Komives was trying to get across. It is ok to recognize your weaknesses, just dont stress them, work on them and surround yourself with people who have strengths where you have weaknesses and learn from them. That is what I do in student government, I believe everyone has their areas of strengths and I try my best to surround myself with people who have strengths that are needed to be successful on a project and work on it. I always learn more every time and try to apply that to another sittuation. On the comment that sometimes your strengths can turn into a weakness, I believe that happeneds when you rely too or only on your strengths to get accomplish a task. You rely on your strengths as if to pretend that you dont have weaknesses so you are not goign to bother with it. You have to recognize what your strengths cant help, and ask for help in those areas, its ok to ask for help, and you'll never learn until you ask!